Veinwave Treatments at Vascular Health Center

Our Minimally Invasive Varicose Vein Treatments

Our doctors spend time with each patient during a consultation to develop a customized plan based on our minimally invasive treatment options. With thousands of successful varicose vein treatments, you can count on our board-certified team.

Arterial Disease Specialists with Decades of Experience

Don’t let arterial disease stop you from doing what you love. As one of the top vascular groups in the East Bay, we use the latest technology to help you get out of pain and back to life faster. Our on-site vascular lab makes appointments even easier.

Quick, nonsurgical, permanent treatment for spider veins

veinwave treatmentsIn about 15 minutes, the spider veins on your face and body, or the thread-like veins on your legs, could be gone. And gone for good.

Veinwave is a minimally invasive, effective treatment for small spider veins on the nose, face, ankles, legs, and other delicate areas of the body. It’s especially effective on veins that have not been successfully treated with sclerotherapy. Veinwave uses thermocoagulation via an electrical device to heat and close spider veins immediately. Even better, after as little as one treatment, the results are permanent.

During this advanced procedure:

  • Your physician inserts a very fine, insulated needle to the outermost layer of your skin, without actually piercing the spider vein itself.
  • The needle instantly and accurately heats and destroys the spider vein without damaging nearby tissue.
  • The needle is so fine and thin, that most people feel no pain (although you may feel a pin-prick sensation).

Benefits of Veinwave™:

  • Walk in, walk out: Performed in our comfortable offices in about 15 minutes.
  • Many people report near-instant disappearance of unsightly spider veins.
  • Minimal risk of scarring or bruising.

After your Veinwave procedure

  • You should see immediate-to-improving results over a few days.
  • No bandages are needed.
  • No downtime.

Although you may require follow-up treatment, once your spider veins are destroyed by Veinwave, the results are permanent.

For more information about veinwave treatments in the East Bay, or to schedule an appointment, call Vascular Surgery Medical Group at 510-357-4006 or 925-831-0101.

You can also fill out our simple contact form.

Health & Confidence

Taking care of your health can look like a lot of things for many people. We have found that your confidence is crucial throughout each step in life. Work with our experts to have you feeling & looking your healthiest!